Processing Room

Employee Entrance

Employees enter the process room directly into the boot sink and wash their hands

Receiving Room

Receiving raw material <4℃ and fresh quality from own fisherman’s boats.

Scalling Room

Scale the fish from receiving room and wash it with ice water below 4℃ before transfer to fillet room.

Filleting Room

Filleting the fish and supply to layering room.

Layering Room

-Sizing Pack

-Individual Vacuum Pack

-Vacuum Pack 1kg/2kg

- Seal Pack

Vacuum Machine

2units Vacuum Machine

Air Blast Freezer

2units Air Blast Freezer

Cold Storage

2units Cold Storage

Total Capacity : 100 ton

Ante Room / Chiller Room

2 units Ante Room

Temperature Setting

Cold Storage : -25

Ante Room : 0